Miryam Han’via—Makhelat Hamercaz Chorus
Makhelat HaMercaz, Jewish Choir of Central New Jersey
Metuchen, NJ, United States -
Neve Shalom 250 Grove Avenue
Metuchen, NJ 08840
United States
(732) 548-2238
Premiere of "From Such Sparks," Seattle
Seattle Jewish Chorale
Seattle, WA, United States -
Temple Beth Am 2632 Northeast 80th Street
Seattle, WA 98115
United States
(206) 525-0915 The Seattle Jewish Chorale will present the premiere of "From Such Sparks," commissioned by the Chorale.
Choral works performed by Sharim v'Sharot
Sharim v'Sharot
Philadelphia, PA, United States -
Society Hill Synagogue 418 Spruce Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106
United States
(215) 922-6590 Sharim v'Sharot, conducted by Elayne Robinson Grossman, will perform three of Cohen's compositions: Y'varech'cha, Miriam Han'via. and Lo Aleicha Hamlacha Ligmor.
Concert at Shaarei Tikvah, Scarsdale
Shaarei Tikvah Scarsdale
Scarsdale, NY, United States -
Shaarei Tikvah Scarsdale 46 Fox Meadow Road
Scarsdale, NY 10583
United States
(914) 472-2013 Concert featuring Cantors Gerald Cohen, Josh Ehrlich and Shirel Richman, with the Choral Torah Collective and Shaarei Tikvah Choir
Adonai Ro’i performed by Mak'hela
Amherst, MA, United States -
Jewish Community of Amherst 742 Main Street
Amherst, MA 01002
United States
(413) 256-0160 Makhela, The Jewish Chorus of Western Massachusets, will perform my piece Adonai Ro'i in Amherst, MA
Dayenu: A Passover Celebration
Taste of Talent
San Francisco, CA, United States -
The Century Club of California 1355 Franklin Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
United States
(415) 673-7117 Aryeh Nussbaum Cohen and Ronny Michael Greenberg performing “Dayeinu” on a concert with Simon Barrad, and others.
Concert at Ansche Chesed, Manhattan
Ansche Chesed Synagogue
New York, NY, United States -
Ansche Chesed 251 West 100th Street
New York, NY 10025
United States
(212) 865-0600 Lifting Our Spirits in Song: A concert with Cantors Gerald Cohen, Natasha Hirschhorn, Benjie-Ellen Schiller, and Isaac Sonett-Assor, pianist Alexandra Joan, and the Shirei Chesed Choir
Composer in Residence—New Brunswick, NJ
Anshe Emeth Memorial Temple
New Brunswick, NJ, United States -
Anshe Emeth Memorial Temple 222 Livingston Avenue
New Brunswick, NJ 08901
United States
(732) 545-6484 On March 8th, I will join Anshe Emeth Memorial Temple for their Shabbat service through their Mary and Samuel Hamelsky Music Program .
Lecture on Music Commemorating the Holocaust
Lexington, VA, United States -
Washington and Lee University Hillel 204 West Washington Street
Lexington, VA 24450
United States
(540) 458-8400 Visiting W&L as part of the Class of 1963 Scholars in Residence Program
Beloved of my being: Music of Composer Gerald Cohen
Lexington, VA, United States -
Grace Episcopal Church 123 West Washington Street
Lexington, VA 24450
United States
(540) 463-4981