Eastman Repertory Singers perform "L'dor Vador"
Eastman School of Music
Rochester, NY, United States -
Kilbourn Hall 26 Gibbs Street
Rochester, NY 14604
United States
(585) 274-1000 conducted by graduate student Henry Griffin
Adonai Ro'i Lo Echsar Featured at A Golden New Year
Taste of Talent
San Francisco, CA, United States -
The Green Room at SF War Memorial and Performing Arts Center 401 South Van Ness Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94103
United States Simon Barrad will join Ronny Michael Greenberg, Aryeh Nussbaum Cohen, and Elizabeth Castro Greenberg for a Rosh Hashanah Jewish New Year celebration.
"I felt my legs were praying" in Los Angeles
UCLA Herb Alpert School of Music
Los Angeles, CA, United States -
Holman United Methodist Church 3320 West Adams Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90018
United States
(323) 703-5868 Part of the "Music and Justice" concert and symposium at UCLA
"I felt my legs were praying" at UCLA
UCLA Herb Alpert School of Music
Los Angeles, CA, United States -
Royce Hall 10745 Dickson Court
Los Angeles, CA 90095
United States
(310) 794-4041 Part of the "Music and Justice" concert and symposium at UCLA
Music Featured in Film “Rebuilt from Broken Glass”
Rebuilt from Broken Glass
Voorhees Township, NJ, United States -
Congregation Beth El 8000 Main St
Voorhees Township, NJ 08043
United States My music will be featured in the documentary, Rebuilt from Broken Glass. Fred Behrend witnessed the flames of Kristallnacht in 1938 at age 12, seeing synagogues on fire, and soon fled Nazi tyranny. Several years after entering America, he would earn a personal victory over the Nazis, teaching democracy as a GI to German POWs. At age 92, however, he discovered that a miracle still awaited: one that was exactly 80 years in the making.
In-person and live-stream.
Composer Portrait Concert at JTS
Jewish Theological Seminary of America
New York, NY, United States -
Jewish Theological Seminary of America 3080 Broadway
New York, NY 10027
United States
(212) 678-8000 Reaching for the Heavens, a concert featuring the vibrant and compelling music of Gerald Cohen, a leading composer of concert and Jewish music.
Zamir Chorale performs "Pitchu Li"
Zamir Chorale
New York, NY, United States -
Merkin Concert Hall 129 West 67th Street
New York, NY 10036
United States
(212) 501-3330 The Zamir Chorale and Zamir Noded, both under the direction of maestro Matthew Lazar, will perform individually and together. The program will feature works honoring the milestone birthdays of composers Louis Lewandowski and Yehezkel Braun, with shorter works by David Burger, Gerald Cohen and more.
Premiere: Choral Movements for “Messiah”
Aspen Choral Society
Glenwood Springs, CO, United States -
First United Methodist Church 824 Cooper Avenue
Glenwood Springs, CO 81602
United States The Aspen Choral Society performs the world premiere of two choral pieces by Gerald Cohen, commissioned to be incorporated into Handel’s Messiah.
Premiere: Choral Movements for “Messiah”
Aspen Choral Society
Basalt, CO, United States -
Grace Church 1776 Emma Rd
Basalt, CO 81621
United States The Aspen Choral Society performs the world premiere of two choral pieces by Gerald Cohen, commissioned to be incorporated into Handel’s Messiah.
Premiere: Choral Movements for "Messiah"
Aspen Choral Society
Aspen, CO, United States -
Wheeler Opera House 320 East Hyman Avenue
Aspen, CO 81611
United States
(970) 920-5770 The Aspen Choral Society performs the world premiere of two choral pieces by Gerald Cohen, commissioned to be incorporated into Handel’s Messiah.