The heavens express your fire (Psalm 19)

Interreligiöser Chor Frankfurt

Frankfurt, Germany

Jüdische Gemeindeztrum

7:30 PM

The Interreligiöser Chor Frankfurt (Frankfurt Interfaith Choir), Bettina Strübel and Daniel Kempin, conductors, present a concert of settings of Psalm 19, from several centuries and languages.

The Interreligiöser Chor Frankfurt, as part of their series of concerts focusing on single Psalms, present a concert of settings of Psalm 19 that will include my piece The heavens express your fire, based on Norman Fischer’s adaptation of the Psalm.  The concert also includes settings by Bach, Beethoven, Lewandowski, and other composers.  You can read (in English) more about the choir’s series of concerts each one focusing on a different psalm here.

Tickets can be purchased here.


Venue Details

Savignystrasse 66
Frankfurt, Germany