Sea of Reeds

Alys Stephens Center

Birmingham, AL, United States

Alys Stephens Center

7:00 PM

"Sea of Reeds" for two clarinets and piano, will be performed by the Amicitia Duo at three concerts—in Birmingham, AL, Atlanta, GA, and Keenesaw, GA—on Oct 24-26, 2019.

The Amicitia Duo—Diane Barger and Denise Gainey, clarinets—will perform Sea of Reeds for clarinet duo and piano at three concerts: Thursday, Oct 24, at 7 pm, at  the Hulsey Recital Hall at the University of Alabama, Birmingham; Friday, Oct. 25, at 7:30 pm, at Georgia State University in Atlanta; and Saturday, Oct. 26, at 12 noon, at Keenesaw State University in Keenesaw, GA. They have recorded this piece for the album Play Pretty, to be released in 2020 by Potenza Music.

Venue Details

1200 10th Avenue South
Birmingham, AL 35294
United States
(205) 975-2787