“I felt my legs were praying”

Voces Novae, Louisville

Louisville, KY, United States

St Boniface Catholic Church

3:00 PM

Voces Novae chorus of Louisville, Deborah Dierks, conductor, will perform "I felt my legs were praying," a new choral work by Gerald Cohen based on a text by Abraham Joshua Heschel, commissioned by the John Leopold and Martha Dellheim Endowment Fund.

“And yet our legs uttered songs,” is based on the words of Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel reflecting on his march from Selma with Dr. Martin Luther King. This is combined with a text from Psalm 35, calling for us to work with our entire beings and bodies to work for social justice.  The piece will be performed as part of Voces Novae’s concert “A Legacy of Hope.”


Venue Details

531 East Liberty Street
Louisville, KY 40202
United States
(502) 584-4279