
In 2003, I was commissioned by Viki Roth, through Meet The Composer’s New Music, New Donors program, to compose a piece to honor her friend Jane Perman, and in memory of Jane’s parents.  After considering some traditional Jewish texts, I found this powerful poem by Marge Piercy, entitled “Kaddish.” Ms. Piercy’s poem takes the form and the words of the Kaddish, (the Jewish prayer for mourners) as a starting point for a moving and life-affirming reflection on life and death, time, and the interconnectedness of all people and generations. 

The work was given its premiere in March 2004, at Temple Shalom in Naples, Florida, with me as the vocalist; Paul Green, clarinet; and Peter Lewis, piano.   

—Gerald Cohen



Kaddish by Marge Piercy

Look around us, search above us, below, behind.
We stand in a great web of being joined together.
Let us praise, let us love the life we are lent
passing through us in the body of Israel
and our own bodies, let’s say amein.

Time flows through us like water.
The past and the dead speak through us.
We breathe out our children’s children, blessing

Blessed is the earth from which we grow,
blessed the life we are lent,
blessed the ones who teach us,
blessed the ones we teach,
blessed is the word that cannot say the glory 
that shines through us and remains to shine 
flowing past distant suns on the way to forever.
Let’s say amein.

Blessed is light, blessed is darkness,
but blessed above all else is peace 
which bears the fruits of knowledge
on strong branches, let’s say amein.

Peace that bears joy into the world,
peace that enables love, peace over Israel
everywhere, blessed and holy is peace, let’s say amein.

Includes: Adonai Adonai El Rachum, S’lach Lanu Avinu, Rachamana, Haven Yakir LI, Haneshama Lach, Adonai Ma Adam, P’tach Lanu Shaar
Commissioned by the Cantors Assembly